Juice Business Opportunity: What Is The Best Health Drink Business To Be In?
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By C.D. Malone
Too many options…too many choices. And you’re worried about picking the “wrong” one. There are things you need to look for so you can you choose the right juice business opportunity for you.
You’re a smart entrepreneur. You know that you need to see where the trends are going in network marketing. And they are going towards health and personal care type of businesses. And it’s literally been that way for over 50 plus years. By choosing health and wellness I guess you can say you’re playing it safe by sticking to an industry that has been proven to perform time after time.
But with so many companies out there, it’s becoming a challenge trying to decide if you want to go with health drink business A or health drink business B. If you play it smart like so many savvy network marketers have done, you’ll see the pattern. A network marketer’s intuition along with good business sense is what you need to rely on.
The more seasoned you are as a network marketer, the stronger and better your intuition will become. Business sense is something you have to learn and study. If you think like Donald Trump you’ll be ok.
If you think like Lucy from I Love Lucy, where you do things on a whim whenever an emotion strikes you, you’ll end up flat on your face and become the laughing stock of your family.
Look at the trend…it’s liquid nutritionals. Just about all the top wellness companies have some sort of liquid nutritional product. The companies that don’t do have some aspect of their business devoted to health and wellness. Is there any doubt you should be in this industry?
Take a closer look at what’s already on the market. How many exotic jungle berry juices are going to be discovered now? Do you want to be a part of a company that just discovered a new berry that’s going to change the face of mankind forever…so the company says?
Maybe or maybe not. If you’re interested in those exotic berry juice tonics that come in a glass bottle, then you’re better off going with a company that has established itself in that market. Are you really interested in joining another dime-a-dozen “me to” kind of company? If you’re an entrepreneur who likes to be a trendsetter, then probably not.
Now if you’re one of those people who has been there and done that and want a new juice business opportunity that is unique and not another “me too” company, then you’ll want to find a company that is ahead of the trends. There are trends within this industry that you should be paying attention to.
Look at the management team. Are they experienced? Do they have their distributors’ best interest in mind? Were they ever distributors? They have to be able to relate to you and the issues you’re going to face as a distributor.
If you’re new to network marketing or never experienced any kind of meaningful success then third thing you’re going to look at are your sponsors in the company you’re looking to join. They should be able to teach you how to market your business and offer support.
In a nutshell, in order to pick the best juice business opportunity you have to look at the product, the trends in the health and wellness industry, the management team, and then ultimately your potential sponsors. This is how you find the best health drink business to be in.
About the Author: See how you can make money in this revolutionary new juice business opportunity. Click yoli to learn more.
Source: isnare.com
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